Sunday, April 27, 2008

Arab states league concerned over the humanitarian conditions in Gaza

"The Arab states league expressed Saturday concern over the increasingly deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip amidst the Israeli closure and lack of essential living items including food and fuel.

" the Arab league voices deep concern over the situation in Gaza after the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has been forced to stop delivering aid to the Palestinians", Hisham Yousef, Arab League Secretary General Amr Mousa's chief of staff, said in a statement.

" the Israeli closure of Gaza as well as the Israeli military actions against the Palestinians will lead to an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip, for which the Israeli government will be held solely responsible", Yousef made clear.

He stated that the Israeli blockade of Gaza and the cutting off essential supplies are 'unacceptable and silence over the situation can not continue'.
Yousef urged the international community including the United Nations and the European Union to " exert pressure on Israel to accept its responsibility in applying international law".

Last Thursday, the United Nations stopped distributing aid to the impoverished Gaza Strip as fuel and cooking gas have been almost run out of market, due to Israeli prevention of fuel shipments into the coastal territory for the third week consecutively.
Humanitarian agencies say that the 1.5 million residents of the coastal enclave are now on the brink of a disaster, as the lack of fuel has impacted the various walks of life including drinking water pumping and hospital services. "

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