Sunday, April 20, 2008

Break-Their-Legs-Abul Gheit Wants Pharaoh-Style Government for the Palestinians

Hamas slams Abul Gheit's statements about excluding it politically

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement strongly denounced Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Abul Gheit's statements in which he revealed an Egyptian proposal to form a Palestinian unity government excluding Hamas so as the peace talks cannot be hampered, highlighting that it is impossible to ignore Hamas in any political process.

Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman, underlined that Abul Gheit's statements confirm that he is against the legitimacy that Hamas gained in fair democratic elections recognized by the whole world, pointing out that Cairo has to clarify its position towards such statements.

Dr. Abu Zuhri also expressed his shock and dismay at Arab officials' desire to alienate Hamas politically, while western officials started to realize Hamas's importance in the Palestinian political process.

Commenting on the second item of the Egyptian plan tabled by Abul Gheit during a meeting held Friday with the council on foreign relations in Washington which stipulated the release of 400 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the Israeli soldier in custody, the spokesman explained that this issue has many details including that the Palestinian resistance demanded the release of 1,000 prisoners, 400 of them to be released in the first stage.

In response to Abul Gheit's statements in which he said that in case an agreement was reached between the PA and Israel, there would be a referendum on it, which if approved, Hamas would face pressure to surrender its weapons and engage in the political process, the spokesman rejected the idea of holding a referendum on any agreement with Israel. He explained that any agreement based on concessions on inalienable Palestinian rights and constants would not be put to referendum.

The spokesman pointed out in this regard that PA chief Mahmoud Abbas's term of office would expire at the end of 2008......."



This statement by the chief Egyptian leg breaker is very dangerous and revealing. In a nutshell he has outlined the USraeli plan, implemented with the Palestinian quisling and the puppet Arab regimes, to finish off what is left of Palestine. What is being cooked now is far more dangerous than the Nakba of 1948. This Nakba of 2008 is formulated with the active backing of a so-called Palestinian leadership in Ramallah, beholden to the Israelis for its survival, and the vast majority of the Arab regimes.

At least in 1948 the Arab regimes went through the motions of pretending to defend Palestinian rights; no more. In 1948 no Palestinian leadership dared to engage in the open treason we see day in and day out in Ramallah.

The plan is breathtaking in its simplicity, boldness and in its reach. Israel will dictate the terms and will decide how much of the West Bank it will annex (ultimately all of it). Israel will decide if and when to expel the 1948 Palestinians who stayed in Palestine. Israel may even decide whether Palestinians will stay in Gaza or be pushed in the Sinai. The quisling entity called the PA is to ensure Israel's security and to police the Bantustans on the West Bank. The surrogate PA forces are being armed and trained by the American general Dayton as we speak to suppress, by bloody force, any Palestinian resistance to the plan.

The Palestinian refugees will be settled in the various countries where they are living now. USrael, the PA and the Arab regimes only recognize the Jews' "right of return."

This brings us to the question of Hamas. For this new Nakba to pass, Hamas will have to be crushed militarily. The Pharaoh’s regime is playing its part in the siege of Gaza and may play a role in using its military to crush any Palestinian resistance in Gaza. After an all-out invasion by the IOF, an "Arab" role will be sought in Gaza (and probably in the West Bank as well). Egyptian troops will be ordered by USrael to move into Gaza for "peace keeping."

Any Palestinian who still insists on Palestinian rights will be branded as a terrorist and shipped to the Abu Ghraibs being built in the West Bank, thanks to EU and US generosity, and to new gulags in Gaza and Egypt.

This is what is coming down the road and the military campaign against Gaza has already started, albeit in limited incursions to start with. Sometime this summer (or before) a full-scale attack and invasion of Gaza is coming; of that I am certain.

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