Sunday, April 20, 2008

Carter meeting sparks new debate over engaging Hamas

Conflicts Forum

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter met Friday with leaders from Hamas, a militant group labeled a terrorist organization by the U.S. and Israel. The meeting sparked renewed debate over whether any negotiations should include the Palestinian group. This NewsHour analysis by Mark Perry and Robert Satloff was presented by Margaret Warner.

"MARGARET WARNER: Mark Perry, should Jimmy Carter have met with Khaled Mashal and, if so, to what end?

MARK PERRY, Conflicts Forum: Absolutely he should have met with him, and here’s why. There are three very good reasons.

First, Hamas won an election in January 2006 in the Palestinian Authority, and it wasn’t even close, and it was the most transparent, open and fair elections in Arab world history.

Second, they retain prestige among the Palestinian people. All polls show that they retain their strength.

And, third, most recently, their leaders have been showing real moderation. They want an opening to the United States. This is their opportunity, and Jimmy Carter is capitalizing on that. We should be talking to Hamas

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