Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hamas denies rumours about intention to assault Egyptian borders

The Pharaoh: "'Humar, 'Humar, Bas A'ish!"

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement categorically denied what was alleged by the Egyptian Al-Ahram newspaper in its Tuesday issue about its intention to breach the border wall between Egypt and Gaza and to wage an attack on Egyptian soldiers, describing the news as "unfounded lies."

In an exclusive statement to the PIC, Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza, underlined that what was said in the newspaper's report about deploying mortar guns along the Egyptian-Palestinian borders is sheer fabrication that can be verified by any journalist visiting the border areas.

Dr. Abu Zuhri said that the continuing lies published by Al-Ahram over the past few days until today only come in the context of an attempt to influence the Egyptian public opinion and prevent it from supporting the Palestinian cause, and on the other hand, to incite Egyptian soldiers at the borders against the Palestinians.

The spokesman underlined that the daily reports published in Al-Ahram were part of a media campaign led by some official newspapers against Hamas and the Palestinian people in Gaza in order to make the Egyptian public opinion preoccupied with this media nonsense, while the Israeli occupation persists in killing and besieging Palestinians, pointing out that the newspapers' lies are not of a lesser magnitude than the Israeli crimes.

He added that this media campaign and fabricated news cause great pain for the Palestinian people's feelings who expect from such newspapers to expose the Israeli atrocities against the Palestinian people."

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