Monday, April 28, 2008

Is it A Genocide Yet? IOF troops kill 7 Palestinians including a mother and her children

The four siblings killed in Beit Hanoun on Monday

"BEIT HANUN, (PIC)-- IOF troops on Monday killed seven Palestinians including a mother and her one-year-old baby while ten others were wounded when an IOF tank shell blasted their home in northern Gaza.

Witnesses told PIC reporter that the IOF artillery shelled the house of Abu Muaitek family in Beit Hanun town completely destroying it and killing the mother and her four children Musab, 1, Hana, 3, Saleh, 4, and Rudaina, 6.

They said that the shelling also killed the 17-year-old boy Ayub Attalla and Ibrahim Hajuj of the Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement.

Citizens appealed to all those having vehicles with petrol to head to the scene of the IOF crime in order to evacuate the victims due to the acute shortage of fuel supplies in the Strip, which were blocked by the Israeli occupation authority and which paralyzed all aspects of life.

Representatives of Palestinian resistance factions head on Monday to Cairo to discuss calm with the IOA.

For its part, the armed wing of Hamas, the Qassam Brigades, claimed responsibility for firing at four IOF soldiers during their incursion in Beit Hanun on Monday, adding that the "Zionist enemy" acknowledged the injury of two of its soldiers....."

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