Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Real News Video: Will Sadr declare open war?

"Behind Sadr's warning to the US lies an unavoidable fact: He holds critical cards in Iraq

Tuesday April 22nd, 2008

In this three part story on "Who is Muqtada al Sadr", Senior News Editor Paul Jay introduces the context . . . Sadr's call for all out war until liberation if the attacks on Sadr city do not end.

The Real News analyst Pepe Escobar introduces Sadr in his own words with clips from a rare interview with Al Jazeera.

Patrick Cockburn, author of the book Muqtada, tells Pepe Escobar that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s recent military offensive against al-Sadr may be an attempt to control the outcome of provisional elections to be held this fall, which al-Sadr and his allies are likely to win. Cockburn concludes a new phase in the war may have started, where large sections of Shia militias enter the fight against US occupation. "

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