Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This is What The Palestinians Desperately Need: Not Freedom, Not End of Israeli Occupation, Not Return of Refugees, Not End of Apartheid.

No, They Need Modern Prisons, a Lot More "Security Forces" and More Effective Crackdowns!

Thank You EU; What Could Oppressed Palestinians Do Without You! Please Send a Few More Billion Euros to Abbas, Dahlan and the Rest of the Jailers and the Thugs.

Palestinian police, prisons lack basic equipment

"(Reuters) - Prisons in the occupied West Bank are overcrowded, need renovation and, in most cases, are unfit to serve as jails, a European Union assessment found in February.

A separate EU audit completed in November 2007 found that the Palestinian civil police in the West Bank face an acute shortage of equipment.

Here are some facts about the police and the prisons......."

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