Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Zionist Whore is Still at it.....

Blair urges foreign investment in Palestinian economy

"Middle East envoy Tony Blair urged investors on Tuesday to plough money into the Palestinian economy, which he said offered opportunities despite Israeli restrictions on movement.

The Palestinian government and the private sector will host a three-day conference in Bethlehem from May 21 offering more than $1 billion worth of projects to foreign investors.

The conference, part of efforts to boost the Palestinian economy [euphemism for bribery] as Palestinians take part in U.S.-backed peace talks with Israel, follows a donor conference that in December attracted $7.7 billion in aid pledges over the next three years......."
Hey, foreign "investors," here are some investment ideas:
* Invest in privatized new jails and torture centers for "our" collaborator, Abbas.
* Invest in training the puppet PA forces in the latest interrogation techniques perfected in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib and in population control.
* Limitless opportunities in building Jews-only roads in the West Bank.
* The apartheid wall is not finished yet! You too can be a part in building this monument to freedom.
* Abbas needs our help in making way for more Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Small business can help demolish those old Palestinian homes that are in the way.
* And many more opportunities; the Jordan river is the limit!

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