Sunday, May 11, 2008

Blast kills Gaza teacher in front of her children. Is it a Genocide Yet?

By Donald Macintyre in Khan Younis
The Independent, Monday, 12 May 2008

"The UN is demanding an investigation into how the Israeli military killed one of its Palestinian school teachers by blasting open the front door of her Gaza home with explosives in the presence of three of her children.

Wafer Shaker al Daghma, 34, a teacher at a local UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) elementary school, was killed last Wednesday as she stood preparing to open the wooden door of her home to the troops. According to UNRWA and relatives who found her body, the military used an explosive device on the door which blew most of her head from her body. They then confined the traumatised children – aged from two to 13 – for five hours while the body lay outside the door of the room where they were held.

Although the soldiers finally left the house – in darkness because of a blackout – at around 9pm, Mrs al Daghma's 13-year-old daughter Samira was too terrified to go outside for help for another two hours because of the continued presence of Israeli armoured vehicles outside her home........

Samira al Daghma said yesterday that after entering the house the soldiers had kept her, her sister Roba, four, and brother Qusay, two, in the room. "They did not let us out. There was one soldier at the door of the room. I asked him: 'Where is my mother?' He was speaking in Hebrew and I didn't understand him."

She said that when the soldiers finally left, she crawled with her siblings to a room on the eastern side of the house. "There were still tanks outside our house and if I had gone out they would have seen me. I tried to call my father on my mother's Jawwal [cellphone] but there was no line. I lifted the carpet and saw a bit of my mother's clothes. She was not moving. I did not see her head."......"

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