Monday, May 26, 2008

Citizens, but second-class

The bedouins of the Negev desert carry Israeli ID, but they've been treated appallingly by the state of which they form a part

By Seth Freedman
The Guardian

"A group of Arab families, who have ample proof of their historic claim to a tract of land, are evicted by the Israeli army. Whilst they attempt to challenge their forced removal from the area via legal process, a Jewish settlement is established on the site overnight. The settlement grows and grows until it is just one more, immovable "fact on the ground", leaving the uprooted families little or no chance of returning to their ancestral home, nor of achieving even a modicum of justice from the courts.

A familiar enough story, of course, but made all the more intolerable given that the land in question is well inside the Green Line, and the families involved are all fully-fledged Israeli citizens. Or, to be precise, they are fully-fledged Israeli citizens on paper. Since they are bedouins, rather than Jews, their rights are by no means assured simply because they possess blue Israeli ID cards, as history has proved time and again to their cost......."

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