Monday, May 26, 2008

Despite The Brave Pronouncements, Iran is Getting Cold Feet About Bashar Assad

Ahmadinejad Sure Syria Will Press Struggle on Israel


"26/05/2008 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday that he remains confident Iran's close ally Syria will keep up the struggle against Israel [What struggle??]despite its announcement of renewed peace negotiations. "I am sure that the Syrian leadership will manage the situation with wisdom and will not abandon the front line [I have news for you Mr. Ahmadinejad: The Syrian leadership abandoned the front line on the Golan back in 1973! Not a single shot has been fired from Syria since then. Hell, Syria did not fire a shot when its facility in Deir El-Zur was recently obliterated by Israel! Where was your "military alliance" then? So, please stop the empty rhetoric and deal with the reality; we know what is going on. Soon, your "ally" Assad will be addressing the Israeli Knesset from the podium in Jerusalem, as a part of his resistance, no doubt.] until the complete removal of the Zionist threats," Ahmadinejad told visiting Syrian Defense Minister Hassan Turkmani.

"So far the cooperation between Iran and Syria in different areas has been beneficial for both sides and our defense ties should be expanded as far as possible," the official IRNA news agency quoted the president as saying.

Turkmani's visit is the first to Iran by a Syrian official since Syria and Israel announced last Wednesday that they had resumed indirect peace negotiations through Turkish mediators, ending an eight-year freeze.

Turkmani held talks on Sunday with his Iranian counterpart Mostafa Mohammad Najjar, during which the Iranian side underlined the importance of "collective security". On Saturday, Syria rejected any preconditions to the new peace negotiations with Israel involving either breaking its three-decade alliance with Iran or its support for Lebanese and Palestinian resistance groups. Israeli officials have in the past conditioned any peace deal with Syria on its agreement to end both."

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