Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fairytales to Endear The Pharaoh to USrael....

Egyptian police: Two weapons cache meant for Gaza found in Sinai

"Egyptian police found two weapons caches buried in two different districts of Sinai Peninsula, a police officer said Saturday.

The official said the first cache contained boxes of ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades and anti-aircraft missiles, all hidden in 27 plastic sacks near al-Raouda village, some 100 kilometers west of the border with the Gaza Strip.

The official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media, added that another cache was discovered Saturday in el-Massoura, a village about 2.5 miles west of the border with Gaza, containing about 100 kilograms of explosives.

He pointed out that explosives were uncovered following a tip from local Bedouins, adding that an investigation was under way to find out who had buried them. The weapons were to be smuggled into the neighboring Gaza Strip, the official added [How did he know that?]......."

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