Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hamas: Israel overtures old trick

Hamas political leader Khalid Mashaal says Israeli premier Ehud Olmert is too weak to take necessary steps for peace with Syria.

"During a joint press conference with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Saturday, Mashaal cast doubt on Israel's seriousness in peace negotiations with Damascus.

"There is great skepticism about Israel's seriousness to return the Golan," Heights occupied by the regime in 1967 to Syria, the Hamas leader said.

He termed the overtures made by the Israeli regime as a well known game adding that "Olmert's weakness will not allow him to take this step."

Olmert is under investigation for receiving bribe from an American businessman during his tenure as trade minister in 2006.

The recent corruption probe and a series of other scandals have raised doubts about his ability to conclude recently confirmed peace talks with Syria.

The Israeli regime and Syria announced last week they had begun a dialogue to reach a peace deal, with Damascus rejecting any preconditions for a peace deal."

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