Monday, May 26, 2008

Hamas: Liberation of south Lebanon proved success of resistance

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement on Monday said that the liberation of south Lebanon from Israeli occupation in May 2000 at the hands of Lebanese resistance proved success of the resistance option.

Fawzi Barhoum, a Hamas spokesman, said in a press release that the successful Lebanese resistance had preserved higher interests and expelled Israeli occupiers from almost all occupied lands.

He said that the Israeli occupation government's repeated aggressions on Lebanon were meant to uproot resistance and weaken the Lebanese people's determination but the Lebanese resistance proved its strength in protecting the country's national interests and in defeating occupation.

The anniversary of the Lebanese success affirms to the Palestinian people and resistance that all settlement projects and negotiations with occupation would not bring about any positive result, Barhoum underlined.

He stressed that unity and determination of the people alongside resistance would be able to achieve the Palestinian people's goals in cleansing their lands of occupation."

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