Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hamas: Rice's visit to the region is aimed to gain more time for Israel

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement stated Sunday that the visit of US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice to the region in order to arrange PA-Israel meetings under her auspices is aimed to gain more time for the benefit of the Israeli occupation and to complete the scheme of endorsing Israel as a "Jewish state", which is backed by the American administration.

In a press statement received by the PIC, Fawzi Barhoum, a Hamas spokesman, said that the visit is also intended for covering up the failure of the last meetings between PA chief Mahmoud Abbas and his American counterpart George Bush.

Barhoum noted that during the last meetings, Bush repudiated all his promises to Abbas regarding taking practical steps to support the rights of the Palestinian people before the expiry of his term of office, especially the establishment of a Palestinian state.

The spokesman underscored that his Movement does not welcome such visits and meetings or rely on them to support the Palestinian rights and constants, considering these visits a bad omen for the Palestinian people especially since Rice considers Gaza and Hamas a hostile entity and calls for protecting the security of the Israeli occupation and instigages civil war in the Palestinian arena."

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