Friday, May 9, 2008

Hezbollah 'seizes west Beirut'


"Hezbollah is reported to have taken control of large areas of the Lebanese capital from groups loyal to the government following gun battles.

"There are no clashes anymore because no one is standing in the way of the opposition forces," a Lebanese security official said on Friday......

A rocket-propelled grenade earlier hit the fence of the heavily protected residence of Saad al-Hariri, the Sunni politician and leader of the governing coalition, in the suburb of Koreitem, a Muslim area of western Beirut on Friday. Al-Hariri was believed to be inside at the time but unhurt......

Armed men loyal to Hezbollah also forced Future News, an al-Hariri-owned TV station, off the air in Beirut......

Saudi response

Reports have also emerged that the Saudi ambassador to Lebanon advised Fouad Siniora, the prime minister, to step down......

Al Jazeera's Rula Amin, reporting from Beirut, said: "This is a significant move considering that the Saudi government is a staunch supporter of the ruling coalition in Beirut.

"The Saudis see this as a dangerous situation that can escalate rapidly.".....

"Jumblatt did not anticipate such a strong response from Hezbollah, and he is resigned to the fact that the group is much stronger than other armed militia," she said......."

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