Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Info-ops: "Iraqis could attack Israel" and Cole helps move the story along

From Missing Links

".....Cole advises dismissing the NYT story not because it isn't true, but because Hizbullah-training of the Mahdi Army or any other Iraqi militia would be insignificant in the larger scheme of things. To the extent that the bobbleheads who follow him (and presumably they are still a significant number) adopt the naturalness of Hizbullah doing a little training of Mahdi Army people, they are being set up for the next leg of the info-operation, already on the same day outlined in Azzaman, namely that Iraqi militia are getting the frightening capability for long-range rocket attacks on Israel.

The unfortunate appearance is that Cole is part of this operation, using his informed commentator status to encourage his readers to swallow the bait."

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