Saturday, May 3, 2008

Iran backs Iraq’s crackdown on lawbreakers: report

Tehran Times

"TEHRAN -- Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad Hassan Kazemi-Qomi has reiterated that Tehran supports a crackdown on lawbreakers and illegal armed groups by the Iraqi government.

Iran Supports serious confrontation of the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki with lawbreakers and (illegally) armed groups,” Kazemi-Qomi said in an interview with Asharq Alawsat newspaper released on Thursday.

Tehran supports the actions that the Iraqi government is taking to establish security in Iraq, the newspaper quoted the ambassador as saying.

Asked if Tehran supports efforts by the central government to disarm the Mahdi Army, Kazemi-Qomi said Iran likes to see the issue revolved through national dialogue and constitutionally.

The ambassador added supporting the Iraqi government is one of Iran’s foreign policy priorities[It is also the priority of the US occupation; what a coincidence??]......."

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