Thursday, May 22, 2008

Israeli Extortion Has Just Begun!

Israel-Syria Talks Won't Affect Hamas- Damascus Ties


"22/05/2008 A day after the announcement of diplomatic negotiations between Israel and Syria, and as Israel urged Syria to cut its ties with resistance organizations; Hamas insisted that the talks would not affect its ties with Damascus.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri described Hamas-Syria ties as "strong and strategic,"[dream on Sami Abu Zuhri; relations with the Syrian regime will prove to be as "strategic" as those with the Pharaoh] and said that they would remain so in spite of the Israeli-Syrian track.

Zuhri made the comments in an interview with Iranian Arabic language television.

Meanwhile, Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said that Syria had to completely cut its support for resistance organizations. "Israel has always striven to live in peace with her neighbors, including Syria, but of course the Syrians also have to understand that this means a complete shaking off of support for terror organizations - Hamas and Hezbollah - and all its problematic ties with Iran," said Livni, at the beginning of a meeting with French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner.

Meanwhile, echoing Livni's words, Israeli Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz spoke in favor of dialogue with Syria, but warned that its ties with Iran had to end first. "I've known about the channel for a long time. [Prime Minister Ehud Olmert] updated me on this issue and others," he told Israel Radio. "Talking to our enemies is a correct process. Every government needs to instigate processes of dialogue… It can ease pressure with Syria," Mofaz told Israel Radio.

But, he continued, "The Syrians are deep in the regional terror. The first condition is them stopping support for Iran. They can't call for destroying Israel while they negotiate peace."

Mofaz said Israel should look into leasing the Golan from Syria. Giving them the Golan now meant giving it to Iran, he said. "

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