Thursday, May 22, 2008

Journalist Anthony Shadid discusses Qatar talks

Electronic Lebanon, 22 May 2008

"As negotiations in Doha, Qatar take place between Lebanon's political leaders in an effort to reach a settlement to the current internal conflict, Ola Hajar spoke with veteran journalist Anthony Shadid. Shadid spoke about the impact of US-driven policies in the Middle East within the context of the "war on terror" and their specific impact on Lebanon, and he also commented on the US position towards Hizballah's role in Lebanese politics.

As an internationally renowned and award winning journalist Anthony Shadid, of Lebanese origin, a reporter for The Washignton Post, reported during the 2006 Israeli attack on Lebanon and the 2003 US invasion of Iraq. Shadid won the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting and is the author of Night Draws Near: Iraq's People in the Shadow of America's War which outlines the human impact to the US war in Iraq.......

OH: Now does this mean that the US isn't interested in a resolution to the current conflict in Lebanon?

AS: It's clear that the US doesn't want to see Hizballah taking its share of power in Lebanon today, as the US is following its own interests in the region not the interests of the people in Lebanon. It's not possible to disenfranchise Lebanon's Shi'ite community and have a stable situation, as this is the single largest group in the country. This is critical to understand.

US interest in Lebanon is defined by keeping Hizballah on the fringes of the government, on the fringes of the political system and not taking a direct or equitable share in power."

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