Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Masri: Other European officials to reveal contacts with Hamas

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement has asserted that other European ministers would declare within the few coming days that they had "advanced consultations" with Hamas.

He underlined in a statement to Quds Press on Monday that the contacts between Hamas and European officials never stopped and that countries other than France had made contacts with the Movement.

The French contact was revealed by the French external affairs minister Bernard Kouchner and not by Hamas, Masri pointed out and did not rule out other European ministers to reveal similar contacts.

"We understand from Europe's contact with us that Hamas could not be sidestepped," the Hamas MP stressed, adding that peace would not be achieved as long as certain parties were trying to bypass Hamas.

Shifting to another issue, Masri categorically denied any direct contacts between Hamas and Israel, expressing surprise at the publication of such reports.

He said that Hamas is not in a hurry and contacts are going on through Egyptian mediators, and underscored, "We will not advance an inch forward neither in the calm issue nor in the prisoners' exchange issue unless Israel declares commitment to the conditions attached to both".

Meanwhile, the Hebrew radio quoted the Italian foreign undersecretary as saying that her country's intelligence apparatus might have had contacts with Hamas.

She said that Rome does not consider Hamas a "political partner, but there are facts on the ground that should be dealt with"."

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