Friday, May 23, 2008

Nahr al-Bared: more questions than answers

The "old" camp in Nahr al-Bared lies in ruins and remains off limits to the Palestinian refugees.

Ray Smith, Electronic Lebanon, 22 May 2008

"One year ago, on 20 May 2007, the fighting began between the Lebanese army and the militant group Fatah al-Islam in Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in northern Lebanon. During more than three months of fighting between the army and the extremist group, more than 47 Palestinian civilians, 178 soldiers and at least 220 militants were killed. More than half a year after the battle came to an end, only a fraction of its residents have been allowed to return. Those who have come back to the camp do so only to find that most of their houses have been reduced to rubble......."

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