Monday, May 26, 2008

Olmert’s Peace Spin

By Gilad Atzmon

"Yesterday Olmert assured Haaretz that the negotiation with Syria is nothing less than an ‘historic breakthrough’. He is absolutely correct. It’s the first time in Israel’s history that a PM initiates a peace negotiation just to escape a police probe into his own unlawful doings. Apparently, Olmert is seeking a quick escape route that would bring the investigation of his corruption to an immediate halt.

The Israeli Knesset has always been a haven for Israeli criminals and Jewish gangsters who seek to take advantage of the immunity membership guarantees. This is nothing new, unlawful activity is rather common amongst Israeli leaders.......

Olmert is no Tolstoy, yet he had two options to choose from: war and peace. Not a single Israeli police detective would put pressure on a serving PM in time of a war. Similarly, no one would mount pressure on a PM in the midst of an historic peacemaking effort with Israel’s most hostile neighbour. Though we were preparing for Olmert to flatten Gaza or strike Hezbollah, he went for the peace option. He obviously remembered the colossal defeat of the IDF in Lebanon less than two years ago, so in doubt, Olmert has decided to not put his trust in generals. To all appearances, the latter do not trust themselves either, they realise that Arabs are not easy targets anymore, Arabs fight back and are getting very good at it........

By bearing in mind the recent Israeli military defeat in Lebanon and the cowardly tactics the IDF performs in Gaza to avoid a ground battle, taking into no account the presence of civilians and the inevitable innocent victims that are the outcome of each and every raid, any Israeli withdrawal in Golan would be considered by Israelis and Arabs as a white flag. Not many people would support such an initiative in Israel politics, nor in its military and intelligence branches. Hence, we have to conclude that the emerging peace spin is there to serve Olmert’s immediate personal needs. It is there to postpone criminal investigation of his activities. It is there to give the corrupt man a few more days in office.

According to Haaretz, “sources close to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Friday said that he was unable to conceal his disappointment and surprise at the news of renewed Israeli-Syrian peace talks.” My dear President Ahmadinejad, do not hold your breath. Nothing has changed and nothing is going to happen. The Israelis are not going to buy the new spin. They just can’t. Israel thrives on conflict, it defines itself by negation. By the time the Israelis start to seek peace for real they won’t be Israelis anymore."

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