Friday, May 23, 2008

On The Road to Another Arab Capitulation....

Israel-Syria talks leave the 'Iranians in shock'

"The announcement of the renewal of negotiations between Israel and Syria will have an immediate effect on Iran's status in the region, senior Israeli sources said on Thursday.

The officials noted that Iran has not yet responded publicly to the talks. "It seems the Iranians are in shock," one of them said.

Israel and Syria will resume the indirect peace talks in a week or two, Turkish and Israeli government officials said on Friday......

However, Israeli officials feel that there is a better chance of reaching an agreement with the Syrians than with the Palestinians, and a Syrian agreement has a better chance of being implemented. A senior official in the Prime Minister's Bureau said that "the Syrians are serious and their intentions appear to be sincere. It is clear that if we reach an agreement it will be possible to implement it."

The sources say it should be easier to reach a deal with the Syrians because the issues on the Syrian front are only territorial [Translation: There is a country named Syria, but the zionists have always denied the existence of the Palestinians as a nation], while those relating to the Palestinians concern a number of sensitive matters including land.

In addition, because President Bashar Assad has full control over Syria, an agreement with him will be honored and implemented [Israel and the US have always preferred dealing with absolute Arab dictators], Israeli officials say......

Livni said Syria must distance itself from Tehran and cut ties to Iranian-backed groups like Hezbollah and Hamas if it wants to make peace with Israel.....

"The Syrians also need to understand that ... they must distance themselves completely from their ... problematic ties with Iran," Livni said before the start of a meeting with Kouchner......

Vice Premier Haim Ramon, who also met with Kouchner, told him that while Israel is ready to make painful concessions for peace, an agreement will not be reached if Damascus continues to provide support to Hezbollah and Hamas, and to serve as Iran's central ally......"

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