Wednesday, May 7, 2008

US terror report misses the point

By Ramzy Baroud
Asia Times

"The US State Department's annual terrorism report makes no secret of the fact that al-Qaeda is back, strong as ever. But if al-Qaeda indeed exists on such a large and influential scale in so many countries, is it not time to question the logic used by the George W Bush administration's "war on terror", which was meant to weaken and destroy al-Qaeda in the first place?.....

Instead of dealing with the obvious truths which the terrorism report highlights, the authors of the report have resorted to other logic that places the blame squarely on external circumstance, never holding the US government accountable for its actions.

Finally, is there really a need for lengthy reports that cost large sums of money and thousands of work hours, if the lessons gleaned are always the wrong ones, leading to more blunders that prompt more violence - and more terrorism reports? "

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