Tuesday, June 24, 2008

As Predicted, Israel is Out to Demolish The Tahdiyah

Hamas: Resistance in WB entitled to retaliate to IOF assassination crime

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement on Tuesday denounced the Israeli occupation forces' assassination of two Palestinians in Nablus, stressing that the resistance factions in the West Bank are entitled to retaliate to the crime.

Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza, told PIC in an exclusive statement that the crime affirms anew that the problem in Palestine is not in the resistance but rather in the "Zionist occupation" that insists on continuing its aggression.........

For its part, the Islamic Jihad Movement said that the IOF assassination crime would not end resistance.

The Movement, in a press release on Tuesday, said that it would never retract from the path of resistance regardless of sacrifices.

"Calm in Gaza does not mean watching idle by as the IOF troops continue to kill us one after the other", it said, and vowed reprisal in the few coming days.

The resistance factions that endorsed calm are called upon now to adopt a clear and united position regarding the "criminal aggression in Nablus", the statement elaborated.

One of the two martyrs was a prominent Islamic Jihad activist."

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