Thursday, June 5, 2008

Beyond the make-believe of negotiations

Arjan El Fassed and Ali Abunimah, The Electronic Intifada, 4 June 2008

"Just days before heading off to the United States this week, Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert approved the construction of an additional 900 Jewish-only homes in occupied Jerusalem. Indeed, barely a week has passed since last November's gala relaunch of peace talks at Annapolis without Israel announcing new colony projects on occupied land. Since the media handshake orchestrated by the Bush Administration, construction continues in a hundred settlements across the West Bank and settler caravans have been transported to sites east of Israel's illegal West Bank wall.......

The post-two-state solution era compels us to recognize the fundamental incompatibility of Zionism with universal human rights. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert knows this all too well, stating recently that the notion of Israel becoming "a state of all its citizens" -- in other words a civic democracy -- was gaining support among US elites. He warned that "this is a very dangerous process that endangers the continuation of our existence as a Jewish state." It could not be more plain than that. From the mouth of Israel's own leader: Zionism and democracy cannot mix in Palestine-Israel, just as apartheid and democracy could not in South Africa. The sooner we absorb this and begin to act on it, the shorter will be the path to peace."

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