Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Coming War on Iran

By Aijaz Zaka Syed in Dubai
Palestine Chronicle

".....Last time around when they came for Saddam’s Iraq despite opposition from the UN and endless protests in Western capital, a deafening silence descended on the Arab and Muslim world.

There was not a single voice of protest in the so-called Arab and Muslim street. And their leaders persuaded themselves that perhaps the Baathist dictator after all deserved this disgraceful end. They told themselves, okay, Iraq is different. They convinced themselves this wouldn’t happen again.

And now they are preparing to take out Iran. And they will come again and again to take out everyone who stands up for one’s rights and refuses to surrender to big bullies. The only way to put an end to this terrorism of big powers is for the Muslim world to stand up and say in one voice: “Enough.”"

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