Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Crossing the Line interviews Nadia Hijab about J Street

Podcast, Crossing the Line, 3 June 2008

"This week on Crossing The Line: They claim to be the political arm of the pro-Israeli peace movement in the US by seeking a more just and equitable situation for both Israelis and Palestinians. But is the new Israeli lobby group, J Street, any different from AIPAC? Host Naji Ali speaks with Nadia Hijab about this new face on Capital Hill and the effect they are having on US policy towards the Middle East.

Next, Israel recently concluded its week-long celebrations marking 60 years of existence. Dignitaries from around the world, including US President George W. Bush, traveled to the region to take part in the festivities while offering words of encouragement for peace. Author and Jewish activist Alice Rothchild discusses how the peace process would be accelerated if Israelis would try to see things from the perspective of those they occupy. "

Click Here to Listen

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