Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Deputy Mustafa Barguti: The Assassinations in Nablus Aim to Demolish the Truce

"Ramallah- the General Secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative Dr. Mustafa Barghouti condemned the crime that the Israeli occupation committed in Nablus today 24-6-2008, which led to the killing of Iyad kanfar a fourth year student of Arts in Najah University and 23 year old Tariq Jom'a Abu Ghali.

Barghouti stated, "Israel's actions aim to demolish the truce agreement through going back to using the policy of assassinations and what they have done in Nablus presents a serious escalation."

He also added that Israel does not want to calm down the situation and is provoking the Palestinian people to take action so that they can hold it against them.

He clarified that the necessity of the truce includes the West Bank as well as the Gaza Strip; as well as the reason that any previous truce agreements did not work out was the Israeli policy of assassinations.

Barghouti called upon the international community to put a stop to Israel's actions and calm down the situation in all the Palestinian occupied lands if there is any interest in keeping the truce."

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