Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fatah’s Fifth Column

By Khalid Amayreh

"....Of course, the purported concern for the resistance is insincere and disingenuous. It is an exposed and cheap distraction aimed at blurring the real purpose of these thugs, namely to provoke Israel to revoke the ceasefire and carry out an all-out invasion of Gaza to destroy Hamas and hand over the coastal territory to Israel’s and America's agents.....

We all know and the bulk of Palestinians know that these mercenaries are first and foremost answerable to US General Keith Dayton, who effectively serves as American High Commissioner in Ramallah, and is himself answerable to Elliot Abram, who is more or less AIPAC’s representative in the Bush administration......

Having failed to dislodge Hamas, these traitors are now trying to sabotage the ceasefire in Gaza under the rubric of resistance. This happens as tens of thousands of Fatah “forces” are working in close coordination with the Israeli occupation army to hound and eradicate real freedom fighters, including Fatah’s own, in the West Bank. Obviously, this is done on Israel’s behalf and in order to obtain a certificate of good conduct from the likes of Bush, Rice, Dayton and Abrams.

I realize that Fatah is not a monolithic movement. I also know for sure that the movement includes many dignified and patriotic elements that reject the shameful behavior of certain elements within the group that claim to be speaking and acting in the name of Fatah when they are effectively at Israel’s and the CIA’s beck and call.....

Hence, it is imperative that true patriots within Fatah move swiftly and decisively to undercut these fifth-columnists and prevent them from morphing the largest political movement in Palestine from a liberation movement into a quisling entity......."

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