Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Good Real News Video: Change you can believe in?

Surprise! ... Obama's people are Clinton's people
Pepe Escobar: Obama's team mostly made of people who supported Clinton's policies towards Iraq

Part 1

"Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama recently introduced his Senior Working Group on National Security, including former Clinton advisers Anthony Lake, Warren Christopher and Madeleine Albright. Real News Analyst Pepe Escobar explores Obama's true foreign policy colors in his commentary, explaining that this group of Clinton-related names tells a lot about Obama's view of the world.

Part 2
Pepe Escobar on Obama's recently appointed Senior Working Group on National Security

"Real News Analyst, Pepe Escobar, examines Barak Obama's recently appointed Senior Working Group on National Security. Obama's people are Clinton's people he explains. Jim Steinberg, Gregory Craig, William Perry and Susan Rice will all be part of the team advising Obama on how the US should be dealing with the rest of the world. In part two of his commentary, Pepe Escobar asks, "is this really change we can believe in?""

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