Monday, June 30, 2008

Hebron's orphans

Harassment by the Israeli authorities leaves Palestinians angry and despairing. Could that be the intention?

Seth Freedman, Monday June 30, 2008

"Sitting in the courtyard of one of the orphanages facing closure by the Israeli Defence Force, Rasheed admitted he'd all but lost hope of preventing demise of the institution in which he's worked for 12 years.

"I want to ask the Israeli public one simple question," said Rasheed, who teaches English to the orphans. "'Do you want to live in peace with the Palestinians?' If the answer is yes, then they need to know they're not taking the right track here [by shutting down the orphanages and attacking the Islamic Charitable Society, which administers them]. This method plays into the hands of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the other extremists; no one here will just sit back and watch the collapse of their community."

The ongoing saga of the orphanages has seen several raids by the army on ICS-affiliated businesses and schools, and severely weakened the charity's ability to continue its desperately needed pastoral care in Hebron. The army claims ICS is a front for Hamas, but has not provided a shred of evidence for the assertion.

"Sometimes they say we're funded by Hamas, other times they say we're funding Hamas," noted Rasheed drily. Despite an appeal to the Israeli courts, the judge handling the case has refused to discuss the matter again until October. In the meantime, the army's punitive measures against the charity continue........"

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