Monday, June 30, 2008

Iran: Mossad spy sentenced to death

Press TV

"Iran's Revolutionary Court has sentenced to death an Iranian found guilty of spying for the Israeli regime's intelligence agency - Mossad.

"Ali Ashtari had links with the spy agencies of the Israeli regime and transferred sensitive information from Iran's research, military and defense centers, including the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, to Mossad officers," an official at Iran's Intelligence Ministry said Monday.

"Ashtari provided information about certain Iranian figures to Mossad and made efforts to connect experts of these sensitive centers to the Israeli intelligence agency," he added.

"This is an initial verdict and is required to receive final approval from the country's Supreme Court. The defendant has the right to appeal the verdict," added the Iranian official.

Ali Ashtari, 45, was arrested a year and a half ago. Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court found him guilty of high treason and sentenced him to death. "

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