Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Israel’s Ambassador to the UK and his deception

Comment by Khalid Amayreh in Occupid Jerusalem

"Israeli ambassador to Britain Ron Prosor has once again claimed that the United Kingdom is becoming a “hotbed” of anti-Israeli propaganda.

In an opinion piece published in Tuesday’s Daily Telegraph, Prosor alleged out that Israel was facing an intensified campaign of delegitimization, demonization and double standards.

“Britain has become a hotbed for radical anti-Israeli views and a haven for disingenuous calls for a one-state solution,” he ranted.

Ignoring the criminal role Israeli universities and academic institutions are playing in consolidating the Israeli occupation and tormenting Palestinians, Prosor criticized efforts by the British University and College Union to sever links with Israeli universities.

Finally, Prosor castigated “disingenuous calls” for a one-state solution, which he called “a euphemism for the destruction of Israel.”


Well, does this man really think that the people of the UK, indeed the people of the world, are not aware of what Israel has been and is doing to the Palestinians? Shouldn’t he realize that Israeli criminality transcends reality and that the utter depravity of Israeli behavior has already gone beyond the pale of what is humanly acceptable?......."

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