Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Meet The Press...The Special St. Peter's Heavens Gate Edition...With Tim Russert

From Liberal White Boy

"From SBC(St. Peters Broadcasting Company) News North of Washington...

This is Meet The Press with Tim Russert....

There will be a slight change in the program format today, here at St. Peters Gate Productions. My guests will ask me the questions. Each will get one. I will respond. On the basis of my responses, St. Peter will then determine whether I am a suitable candidate for the Holy Broadcasting Company here in Heaven......

My first guest Captain Ward Boston, what is your question Sir.

CAPTAIN BOSTON: Mr. Russert, In connection with the U.S.S. Liberty incident, in 2003 the Moorer Commission, headed by Admiral Tom Moorer, former Chief of Naval Operations and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, concluded:That in attacking the USS Liberty, Israel committed acts of murder against American servicemen and an act of war against the United States.That fearing conflict with Israel, the White House deliberately prevented the U.S. Navy from coming to the defense of USS Liberty.The Captain and surviving crew members were later threatened with court-martial, imprisonment or worse if they exposed the truth; and were abandoned by their own government.That due to the influence of Israels powerful supporters in the United States, the White House deliberately covered up the facts of this attack from the American people.
As Washington Bureau Chief for NBC News, Tim why is it that your network failed to show up for this press conference or provide these facts to the American people?

MR. TIM RUSSERT: Mr. Boston let me first say that I was one of the premier journalists of our time. My unrelenting questioning of the powerful and influential was trade mark relentless. But if I or anyone else had shown up at that press conference, we would have been fired by our Zionist bosses quicker than a Palestinian corpse rots on a hot summer day after an extra judicial assassination.......

MR. TIM RUSSERT: We're back and our final guest today is Master Muhammad Elias Mahmoud Aweideh. Master Aweideh what is your question son.

MASTER MUHAMMAD ELIAS MAHMOUD: Mr. Russert, I was only 15 years old when I was murdered by Israel when I was protesting the apartheid wall built on stolen Palestinian land. The wall of course was designed to keep all Palestinians living in misery. I never really had a chance to know my father Big Mahm, like you got to know Big Russ. How did you live with your conscience while you were alive, knowing of the murderous injustices occurring in Palestine and never reporting them to the public? Did you ever once think of biting the hand of your masters and reporting the truth?

MR. TIM RUSSERT: Master Mahmoud you probably don't know this but I have dozens of honorary college degrees and numerous professional awards. I won an Emmy for my role in the coverage of President Ronald Reagan's funeral in 2004. Now as for your people Master Mahmoud, if I had spoke anything resembling the truth, I would never have enjoyed all of this success. I could never have lived the affluent life that I have or be such an acclaimed news man. It is as simple as that. I would never have been hailed the pre-eminent journalist of my generation. That would have been very sad, don't you think Muhammad? So to answer your question, no.
And that is this weeks edition of Meet the Press. Join us next week, maybe, for another edition of Meet the Press."

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