Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Well, Was "Good" While it Did Not Last

Press TV

"Israel has closed the crossings where cargo enters the Gaza Strip, following the Palestinians' retaliatory rocket attacks into Israel.

The Israeli military says all crossings, where cargo enters the Gaza Strip, have been closed except for the Erez pedestrian terminal.

On Tuesday, Israeli military forces killed two Palestinians including a senior member of the Islamic Jihad movement, Tarek Jumea Abu Ali, in the West Bank city of Nablus.

On Wednesday, The Islamic Jihad movement fired two rockets into the Israeli town of Sderot in a measure it said was a response to the Israel's violation of the new ceasefire with Palestinians.

No injuries were reported; however, two people were treated for shock.

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum says Wednesday's closure violates the cease-fire. "

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