Monday, July 7, 2008

The Army (IOF) invades charitable institutions in Nablus and confiscates its property

"On Monday morning Israeli army forces attacked a number of charitable institutions in the northern West Bank city of Nablus. Troops shut them down and confiscated their property.

Witnesses reported that more than 40 vehicles invaded the city at 1:00 a.m. Monday and soldiers then ransacked Al Rawda mosque, some sport-clubs and charitable institutions.

Moreover invading troops stormed the Islamic School for Girls as it confiscated its belongings, and shut it down. The army claimed that those local organizations are a major source for "funding terror".

Witnesses said that because of the army attacks they could not attend their dawn prayers.

In the nearby Balata refugee camp, the Israeli army searched and ransacked a number of homes on Monday morning and kidnapped two civilians, local sources reported.

The Israeli army stepped up recently its campaign against Islamic charitable societies in the West Bank, shutting down a large number of them, confiscating their property, and searching computers and documents that detail their activity.

Some of those attacked were reported in the Hebron, Qalqilia and Ramallah areas since the beginning of the year, the army announced that those attacks will now be expanded to additional parts of the West Bank, after it received approval from Israel's legal authorities."

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