Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Behavior Unbecoming of a Palestinian

By Khalid Amayreh

"......However, Abbas’s diplomatic behavior doesn’t suggest that he is the best and most effective representative of the Palestinian people and cause. In fact, the opposite seems to be true.

This week, while attending the 23rd congress of the Socialist International at the Lagonissi Grand Resort in Greece, Abbas was audacious enough to introduce Iraqi President Jalal Talabani to Israeli war minister Ehud Barak.

Talabani and Barak shook hands rather cordially as a visibly satisfied Abbas was looking on......

Well, since when have Palestinian leaders assumed the role of encouraging and expediting normalization between Arab states and Israel which continues to rape Palestine and savage its people?

Have we lost our sense of dignity as individuals and as a people?

The shameless encounter in Greece, though symbolic, did carry a horrible message. It showed that Israel and Arab regimes can normalize relations, even publicly, while the Zionist regime continues to torment the Palestinian people and steal the remainder of their homeland.

What is particularly scandalous though is that all of this obscenity occurs with Palestinian blessing and encouragement. This is more than outrageous.......

In the final analysis, Israel and the US, our tormentors, would hector the Arabs to normalize relations with Israel by arguing that “you can’t be more Palestinian than the Palestinians themselves.”.....

Interestingly, while Abbas has shown no remorse or regret or even embarrassment for arranging the Talabani –Barak handshake, the office of the Iraqi president has issued a ‘clarification’ tacitly blaming Abbas for presenting Ehud Barak to shake hands with Talabani ‘who responded to President Abbas’ request.’

The statement said Talabani shook hands with Barak “not as President of Iraq, but rather in his capacity as President of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Vice President of the Socialist International (IS).”

Despite its flimsiness, the statement showed that Arab leaders are still apprehensive about appearing in public with Israeli officials.

This trend ought to be encouraged and enforced as there should be no normalization between Zionist criminals and their Palestinian victims at least until the victims recover their rights, including the right to return to their homeland from which they were uprooted by force at the hands of diabolical Zionism.

It is really sad that until recently Palestinians left no stone unturned in order to stop any form of normalization between Israel and the Arab and Muslim world.

Now, however, it is lamentable that some Palestinian leaders have become the bridge through which Israel is normalizing relations with the Arab world.

Have we become our own worst enemies?"

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