Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Borrowing a Page From Sayyed Nasrallah: Hamas: hostile US stand on Aqsa TV a badge of honor to the channel

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas Movement has condemned on Monday the US targeting of the Aqsa TV channel after the US congress proposed a draft resolution to classify the channel as "terrorist", saying that the US hostile stand on the TV is considered as a badge of honor to it.

The Movement also confirmed that the draft resolution is another attempt by the USA against the resistance media outlets in the region with the aim to formulate the region's culture in accordance to the US vision and in service of the Israeli occupation government.

"This US step reflects the degree of success those TV channels were able to achieve against the US will, and shows the growing US fear on the ability of those channels to derail its venture in the region", asserted Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, the spokesman of the Movement in Gaza Strip, adding that the US procedure exposes the American and western disrespect of democratic examples.

The Hamas official, furthermore, underlined that the US Congress's proposal was "a badge of honor" on the chest of the channel, and demonstrate the extent of success the Palestinian TV channel has achieved in reformulating the Arab awareness on the Palestinian issue, and in rallying the Ummah behind the resistance project by exposing the Israeli occupation and its crimes against the Palestinian people.

In this regard, Hamas Movement called on the channel not to worry about the US stand, and urged it to continue its "noble" mission against US arrogance.

The Islamic Jihad Movement seconded Hamas's condemnation of the US step, describing the draft resolution as "another US-Israeli attempt to kill the truth and to silence every free voice in the region".

"Those great pro-resistance channels in the region had clearly frustrated terrorism sponsors [in the US administration] in Washington, thus, such a US hostile stand against those channels wasn’t surprising", affirmed the Islamic Jihad in a statement it issued on the matter, and a copy of which was obtained by the PIC.

The Movement also underscored that "people of the region were no longer weak used by the Axis of evil in this world as they started to have their own way in defending their legal rights and causes, and freely expressing their own opinions on crucial matters affecting the region".

"The USA is no longer capable of playing the Thieve and Judge role in the region by stealing natural resources of the region, and killing here and there, and come thereafter to prosecute those who stand up against its tyranny and despotism", the Islamic Jihad statement emphasized.

The Aqsa satellite TV channel was a duly registered TV channel and operates on the Arabsat satellite which is owned by the Arab League."

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