Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Breaking the Gaza siege, by boat

A Great Piece

By Dr. Bill Dienst, The Electronic Intifada, 29 July 2008

"I've visited the Gaza Strip multiple times since 1985, partnering with local health care organizations. I have professional colleagues in Gaza who are also personal friends. They suffer under a catastrophic and brutal siege. My friends live in a surreal world where Israel, the powerful bully, is as violent as it wants to be without consequences from its financiers in the US or Europe......

Preparing a medical team for the Free Gaza Movement is my responsibility; it will be difficult. The best case scenario is an uneventful trip where minimal medical assistance is needed. However, the worst case scenarios range from long periods of being besieged at sea and exposed to the elements to being attacked by Israel and a mass casualty incident. It is possible that many of us could be killed and injured all at once; or over several attacks, and our small medic system could become overwhelmed. Although dangerous, it is a risk we are willing to take, because the cost of doing nothing is too high. Once there was the Berlin Airlift; we intend to start the Gaza Sealift.

One way or another we intend to open Gaza to unrestricted international access. If we are unable, we will demonstrate that Israel still occupies Gaza despite its claim to the contrary. We will no longer be idle while those in power continue to blame the victim."

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