Friday, July 18, 2008

Coercive 'Diplomacy' – Prelude to War

Don't be fooled by Washington's diplomatic overtures to Tehran

By Justin Raimondo

"The conventional wisdom is that the US government is taking a new tack when it comes to confronting the Iranians......This is flat out wrong. The war drums are still belting out a martial ditty, albeit accompanied by a "diplomatic" chorus. To get closer to the truth about what is really happening on the front lines of our latest Middle Eastern crusade, take a look at this Washington Post report on the same "diplomatic" dog-and-pony show.....

The Europeans, who tend to resent Washington's unbridled arrogance, don't want a war that would wreck the world economy. They can't be trusted to deliver our intended message to Tehran: surrender or die. This is just foreplay – if such a thing can be said of an intended rape – and White House spokeswoman Dana Perino didn't try very hard to put a good face on it:

"The substance remains the same, but this is a new tactic. What this does show is how serious we are when we say that we want to try to solve this diplomatically."

The Bush administration is interested only in appearing to be serious about resolving this peacefully, when in actuality this diplomatic "surge" is merely a new tactic aimed at their real goal, which is regime-change in Iran. ....."

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