Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Disenchanted James Petras

Contributed by v.

".....Chury: There's a subject that we need you to analyze. It's called Barack Obama. What will the changes be, what might be the changes in the United States in respect to the influence of Zionism, in respect to the war first of all, and Latin America afterwards?

Petras: Okay, here we have various factors; there's the unification of the right-wing of the Democratic Party around Obama with Hillary Clinton's support.

On the other hand, there are indications that the disenchantment among various minority sectors that supported Obama, particularly with his very servile speech to the powerful Zionist group in Washington where he said things that not even the North American right-wing has said. [Such as] when he said that Jerusalem should be completely Jewish, under Israel's control, where he supported the militaristic aggression against Iran. It shows one thing, which is the power the Jewish organizations have over North American presidential politics. All the candidates except those from the left-wing were present: Obama, Hillary, McCain giving the world's most unimaginably servile vision. Saying the filthiest things against the Palestinians, against Hamas, without even a single mention of the million and a half Palestinians without water, without electricity, without food, malnourished, the complicity of Israeli terrorism, incredible! Not a single critical candidate among them, and all the organizations, the dentists, the great financiers supporting the conference, eight thousand middle class Jews, lower-middle class, rich, millionaires, multi-millionaires, showing their power through standing ovations for the most militaristic declarations. And look, Brecha has never written anything about the power that Zionism has over North American politics. It's never explained to a Uruguayan audience how all the [U.S.] presidents are on their knees before Jewish power in the United States.

I have many acquaintances who are progressive Jews but they're impotent; when big things happen there are half a dozen who criticize what's happening with the auditorium but really they don't have any (...) that affects policy. And it's one of the great tragedies that we have a minority that represents less than 2% of North American's population but has such power in the communications media.

Chury: That's economic power?

Petras: Yes, but it's not just economic, they're organized, they're present in all the communications media, they're well situated in Congress, they have officials in the presidency, in the Executive branch; it's not simply a matter of Jewish millionaires but that it's all configured in important posts in the media, in the Congress, in the Executive branch, in all local governments, towns, dentists, doctors, lawyers, professionals, academics, all united in a crusade, all for Israel. When Israel says "we're going to attack Iran," these activists, respectable Jews, are the first to support it. Not all, because there are plenty of Jews who aren't interested in Israel nor the politics of the communal organizations, but those who are active and present have definitely taken the most bellicose positions. They support a government that tortures and imprisons thousands of Palestinians.

I'm reminded when the Jews speak of the complicity of the Germans, what are they themselves if not complicit with the great and savage crimes of the State of Israel? What difference is there between German complicity and that of the professors and doctors? And the same thing is happening here, exactly the same thing and look how the media don't question the fact that the presidents in this congress of the association in favor of Israel, are eight thousand delegates representing 120,000 affiliates in the country who are super active.

There's one thing that one should ask and that is why the North American public doesn't react against the manipulations of this minority. It's because the Jews control the communications media and present Obama's speeches in favor of Jerusalem and Israel as though they were something normal, just another speech. And there's no commentary when Israel says that it's going to hurl bombs at Iran. No editorial whatsoever criticizing Israel. Why? Because of Israel's power, and note, Noam Chomsky, a hero of the Brechistas and the leftists: Silent, during the conference of the Zionist organizations! When the North American candidates submit themselves to the Israel lobby, Chomsky doesn't say anything critical against the Jewish organizations. He's also complicit because with his silence he seeks to divert attention from certain North American investments in Israel and tries to blame those when they don't have any kind of influence over Israel's foreign policy and no weight at all against the Jewish lobby in Washington. Despite his moralistic position, Chomsky is complicit in the great subject of our time, the war against Iran, the war against Palestine [and] excuses Israel with his silence toward the U.S. Jewish organizations which are the main force supporting Israel......."

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