Monday, July 7, 2008

Gaza Locked In Despite Truce

By Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa al-Omrani

"CAIRO, Jul 7 (IPS) - Despite a torrent of mutual recriminations, the fragile truce between Israel and Palestinian resistance faction Hamas survived into its third week. Israel, however, has been slow to fulfil its pledge -- as laid down in an Egypt-brokered ceasefire agreement -- to allow desperately-needed humanitarian supplies into the outdoor prison that is the Gaza Strip.

"Repeated closures of the border crossings (by Israel)...are indicative of Israel's lack of seriousness regarding the Egyptian ceasefire agreement," Ismail Heniya, head of Gaza's ruling Hamas government, told reporters Friday (Jul. 4). "If the ceasefire is to survive, Israel must open the crossings (into the Gaza Strip) and lift its siege.".....

Traffic across the Egypt-Gaza border by way of the Rafah crossing, meanwhile, has been no more profuse.

For three days last week, from Tuesday (Jul. 1) to Thursday (Jul. 3), Egyptian authorities opened the Rafah terminal to a limited number of passengers. But of some 2,000 people scheduled to make the crossing, including a number of medical patients, only a few hundred were let through......

"Palestinians, infuriated by the never-ending bureaucratic delays and scorching heat, stormed the crossing," said al-Buluk. "Egyptian security, fearing a repeat of January's border breach, quickly arrived to stop them from getting through to Egyptian territory."

In late January, more than half a million Palestinians flocked into Egypt's northern Sinai Peninsula following the partial destruction of the 14-kilometre border wall. Most seized the opportunity to stock up on essential supplies before returning home to Gaza.......

"Because Hamas is now coordinating with Egyptian authorities at the border, I doubt we'll see a repeat of January's breach," said al-Buluk......."

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