Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hamas deplores Israel and PA for targeting private and public services in WB

"NABLUS, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement strongly denounced Tuesday the fierce campaigns waged jointly by the IOF troops and the PA security apparatuses against the Palestinian citizens which targeted their means of livelihood and private and public services in the West Bank, describing the situation there as extremely serious.

Hamas considered the raids on medical centers, charities, clubs, shopping malls, stores and other service institutions in the Nablus city a serious and clear indication that the Israeli occupation is persistent in harming the Palestinian people under many flimsy and silly pretexts.

Hamas questioned the position of the PA negotiators towards the IOF troops' assaults that happened today on civil and public places and their closure of many buildings including a shopping mall in the West Bank, saying that the PA silence towards such acts proves to the Palestinian citizen that there are complementary roles between the PA leadership and Israel aimed at weakening the Palestinian community and pushing it into begging aid from PA-affiliated channels.

Hamas called on human rights organizations and media outlets to go to Nablus to expose to the local and international public opinion the level of criminality which targeted private and public property. "

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