Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hamas official criticizes Abbas for introducing Iraqi President and Israeli Defense Minister

"Dr. Yiha Mussa, a Hamas MP, slammed on Wednesday the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas because the latter introduced the Israeli Defense Minister Ehod Barak to the Iraqi President Jallal Al Talebani on Tuesday in Greece.

Mussa said that Abbas' acts are shameful and the Palestinian people should block conference on Abbas. He said that Barak represents the Israeli occupation and the Palestinian President should not have done this.

Barak shook the hand of Talebani in the Greek capital, Athens, on the sidelines of the annual gathering of the Socialist International congress, President Abbas was there.

The Iraqi President Office stated on Wednesday that the hand shake did not mean that Iraq will have any diplomatic ties with Israel.

Iraqi political groups have not yet responded to the incident.

On Tuesday President Abbas addressed the Socialist International congress in Athens. He said that there are a lot of obstacles that need to be solved in the ongoing talks with Israel, adding that the gap between the two sides is still large.

The Palestinian leader stated also that the Israeli government has not taken clear and firm positions showing its will to protect this rare chance of achieving peace in the region.

Later in the day Palestinian President Abbas met with the Israeli Defense Minister Ehod Barak who also attended the Socialist International congress annual conference [Some "socialists," I say]."

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