Friday, July 4, 2008

Haneyya calls on Egypt to open the Rafah crossing once and for all

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haneyya said on Thursday that what took place on Wednesday at the Rafah crossing was spontaneous and not planed, calling on Egypt to hasten the opening of the border crossing officially [ As if the Pharaoh can control anything. Hell, he needs Israel's permission to send Egyptian police to his own Sinai! He was ordered to give away Egyptian gas to Israel at half the market price while Egypt has serious shortages!].
Haneyya's comments were made during a speech to police officers at their headquarters in Gaza city where he stressed that frustration and the pressures of the siege were to blame for the people's attempt to storm the gates of the crossing [Why don't you have a plan, Mr. Prime Minister??].

Haneyya stressed that the Rafah crossing should be officially opened once and for all after reaching an agreement between different parties concerned and called for accelerating the process [Egypt, coordinating with USrael, is playing with you like a cat playing with a mouse; and you have no clue!] so as not to keep the Palestinian people hostage to the siege and closure.

He said that these pressure cause some young people to get out of line and cause problems [Say what??] and added that the Egyptian brothers were informed of the keenness of the Palestinian government and people to protect the brotherly relations with Egypt which has been and will always be the strategic depth for the Palestinian people [I am glad you are enjoying your "brotherly" relations with the gutless, eunuch pharaoh].

He also blamed behind the back arrangements which the Gaza government is not aware of [Gee, it finally dawned on you, Mr. Prime Minister?] that confuses matters at the Rafah crossing, calling on Egypt to directly coordinate with the Interior Ministry of the Gaza government to ensure the smooth operation of the crossing and prevent problems.

On Wednesday, hundreds of stranded passengers tried to break into the Egyptian side of the crossing out of frustration as only very limited numbers of passengers have been allowed through.

Some stranded students lost the academic year, some lost their work abroad and many patients lost their life due to travel restrictions."

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