Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Is the Surge Working?

No, but the propaganda touting it sure is.

by Justin Raimondo

".....On the one hand, Obama wants to negotiate directly with the Iranians – a bold proposal in Washington, which Pat Buchanan accurately describes as "Israeli-occupied territory." On the other hand he keeps talking about "big sticks" and how we can't rule anything out. Iran, he intones, is "the greatest strategic challenge to the United States in the region in a generation."
Gee, what happened to the threat from al Qaeda, which supposedly has taken over half of Pakistan, at least if we take what Obama and his surrogates say at face value? Remember that, according to Obama, the invasion of Iraq diverted us away from the real threat, embodied by bin Laden and his followers: how come they aren't "the greatest challenge to the United States in the region in a generation"?

As always, the question of war and peace – of whether we are going to launch an attack on the biggest, most powerful country in the Middle East on Israel's behalf – is going to be decided, not by conditions on the ground, but by political considerations on the home front.

If neither major presidential candidate is opposed to the War Party's ultimate aims and purposes, and if the American people have no say and no voice in determining the foreign policy of this country – that is, if things continue as they have been going – then peace is not anywhere on the horizon, and the surge surges forward … all the way to Tehran."

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