Saturday, July 12, 2008

Israel crosses all red lines in West Bank

By Khalid Amayreh in Ramallah

"Until a few years ago, most of the Israeli army activities in the occupied territories were aimed primarily at forcing Palestinians to come to terms with their status as perpetual slaves tightly controlled by Jewish masters.

The occupation army would demolish homes, seal college campuses and arrest suspected activists for prolonged periods of time.

The message was clear: Don’t you ever dream of freedom, for whatever you do wouldn’t help you, the world won’t help you because we control America and America controls the world; we are the master race.

Now the Israeli army is targeting the Palestinian society as a whole. It is directly targeting educational, social, economic and even medical institutions.

Interestingly, this is taking place under the scandalous rubric of “peace talks” between the Zionist state and the American-backed Palestinian Authority (PA) which is supposed to protect Palestinians and their national interests from Israel’s nefarious conduct.........."

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