Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Khalil Bendib Cartoon: War Hero or Criminal

(Click on cartoon to enlarge)

1 comment:

  1. First of all, there was no Hans Müller hanged at Nuremberg. The Nazi in question's name was Heinrich Müller, and he disappeared in 1945.
    Heinrich Müller was a chief figure in the Holocaust, as the chief of the Gestapo, and is personally responsible for killing, not "scores" but hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

    He was not hanged at Nuremberg; only ten Nazis were, and Müller was not among them. Müller disappeared in 1945, last seen in the bunker the day after Hitler's suicide. Müller's disappearance has never been solved, though several people claimed to have allegedly found his body.

    Further, Müller was not just following orders; he was the one giving the orders. Several times, he ordered Jews arrested by the hundreds of thousands (On average, a Jew in concentration camp had only a 10% chance of survival). He ordered >20,000 Jews rounded up on Kristallnacht, >70,000 Jews rounded up in Kattowitz and Ostrava, Poland. In 1942, he fulfilled Himmler's request for >35,000 forced laborers. Müller was one of the attendees of the Wannsee Conference that planned the Final Solution and knew full well about the extent of the systemic extermination. Müller had his fingerprints all over the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

    A Nazi who murdered while "just following orders" is irredeemably evil.
    An eager participant is beyond irredeemably evil, and that's what Müller was.
    Müller went above and beyond in executing his major role in the Holocaust. Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Höss praised him, saying that one could reach Müller "any time of the day or night, even Sundays and public holidays."

    I was no fan of John McCain, but there is no equivalency here. McCain likely killed dozens of enemies and civilians in an unjust war.
    As chief of the Gestapo, Müller's hands were stained with the blood of millions.

    What does it say about Khalil Bendib and anyone who agrees with this cartoon, that they are willing to minimize a major Nazi's role in the Holocaust (and blatantly do zero research) to make a political point like this?
